The first and most important thing to get started on the home-buying process is to get pre-approved. This ensures a smooth and successful home purchase, and will have you best prepared when you find the right home. Read below regarding how the pre-approval letter creates buyer credibility, how it educates you on your price-point, and expedites the timeline after finding your dream home!

Buyer credibility:

When submitting an offer, the seller will request a pre-approval form to make sure you are qualified to buy their home. Many homes on the market will have multiple offers, so it is important to set yourself up for success and have a pre-approval ready to go beforehand. It validates your financial standing, and gives confidence to the seller that there will be minimal hurdles during escrow.

Being aware of your price point:

Knowing your financial standing is extremely important when buying a home. A lender will asses your income, debt, assets, credit score, savings, etc. and give you a max price to stay under. They also lay out what your mortgage payment would look like at different price points (Your payment at $600,000 vs. your payment at $650,000) so you can inform your Realtor of what price range you would like to stay under.

Speed up the closing process:

Sellers are looking for a quick close. When you have taken the time on the front end to get fully qualified by a lender, you can offer a quicker close time, which increases the likelihood of your offer getting accepted.

We have surrounded ourselves with AMAZING lenders that we know and trust, but you can use any lender you'd like! If you would like help and guidance with finding a lender, fill out our contact form and we will get you connected ASAP.